Adaptive Learning Platform
What is the Adaptive Learning Platform?
The Adaptive Learning Platform is a multi-purposed, student-centered e-learning platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to cater for individual student’s needs and learning pace.
Who is it for?
It is built for students, parents and teachers in Hong Kong. Its built-in diagnostic design with lesson planning features and report generating functions enable users to use it for assessment at school or self study at home.
What curriculum and subject does the platform cover?
The platform has a fully mapped knowledge structure that is tailored for the Hong Kong curriculum. Currently the platform focuses on Mathematics at the senior secondary S. 4 to S.6.
What makes this platform special?
The platform aims to supplement learning and teaching at school by offering more individual attention to each learner’s needs. It aims to achieve:
• Analysis of students’ learning motivation
• Focusing on students’ learning goals
• Mastery of students’ learning progress
• Recognition of students’ learning difficulties
• Automatic offer of learning paths that vary according to changes in students’ learning abilities and attitudes
Who designs it?
The Adaptive Learning Platform is the brainchild of a group of dedicated principals at the largest local school principal association, namely the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools (HKAHSS). And now it is formally passed to the Hong Kong Education Podium, for maintenance and for further development.
How are we doing?
36 schools have joined our Adaptive Learning Platform and we are planning for further development in the following areas:
- enhanced functionalities of the ALP
- enriching the contents and volumes with more questions and learning tools;
- the integration of questions which are currently designed according to individual chapters and topics so as to enhance cross-chapter transfer and integration of learning.
- Provision of bilingual versions of the questions and all teaching and learning materials
- enhanced use of AI;
- the possibility of extending the platform to gradually cover the Mathematics curriculum in the junior forms.