The Hong Kong Education Podium Limited (香港教育平台有限公司) was registered according to THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 622) and it was formally set up in September 2023.

Our Board

Mr. But Ho Ming

Ms. Lee Suet Ying

Mr. Leung Kwok Kei

Mr. Wong Wai Yu Michael

Article of Associations

Our Mission and Vision

  • To aim at the understanding and advancement of education;
  • To study and encourage new ideas and development in education for the public benefit
  • To serve as a platform to create and facilitate informed opinion on educational matters
  • To promote the exchange of views on educational theories and practices
  • To discuss and share the Association’s views with all public and private educational authorities or bodies;
  • To liaise and co-operate with persons, associations, companies, or other bodies, in promoting and encouraging research, knowledge and education in Hong Kong.
  • To develop and provide educational services including but not limited to online education platform, education software, and whatever kind of education services using any mode of technologies